Top 5 Social Media Marketing Trends For 2021

Oluwafemi Anthony
3 min readJan 15, 2021

The global pandemic reshaped how a lot of people think, work, interact, and perceive things in the digital space.

The 2021 marketing trend will be largely influenced by how audiences were forced to adopt reshaping factors during the 2020 pandemic.

As reviewed by marketing experts, a lot of brand marketing will go through a sequence this year, and from these sequences and strategies, here are my top 5 marketing trends to look out for in 2021.


Statistics show that ads using User-Generated Content gets a 400% CTR compared to brand-centered ads. Consumer experience and feedback are a vital part of business development and in this regard, it’s important to make use of User-Generated Content as the target audience seeks validation from certain individuals they trust so much in the digital space. In the digital age, this is regarded as the new word-of-mouth marketing and this won’t just help in passing a brand message across but also educate the audience on the use of brand products. The millennial and Gen-Z audience is geared towards experiences and the only way you can showcase the relevance of your brand is by creating a user-generated ad.


Influencer Marketing isn’t slowing down in the new year. The influencer marketing industry is projected to hit $15billion by 2022. This is a testament that brands are engaging influencers more than ever. Influencer Marketing predictions in 2021 will see brands engage a lot of micro and nano influencers to pass a strong brand message to their target audience. The good thing about influencer marketing is that it bridges the gap between the brand and the target audience through these influencers that have built an engaging community over the years. This will be one of the key communication strategies to be used widely in 2021.


One mistake a lot of brands made in the last few years was passing a message across without having a brand-audience conversation with the target audience. Marketing isn’t just about sending a message; it’s about having conversations with the consumers. Conversational Marketing can be done by humanizing your brand. Humanizing your brand is essential in the gen-z era as it strategically positions your brand in the mind o the target audience that seeks interactions.


2020 was a hard year globally and one thing it took away was a world full of freedom to do a lot of this as pleased. Nostalgia Marketing will be appealing in 2021 as it’s emotional and it reminds us all of the good old days when life was free and fun. This might however not be a long-term strategy but the good thing about it is that it gives the target audience a moment of reflection even post-pandemic as it can connect them to past realities, present, and the future they wish to have.


The global pandemic cancelled so many in-person events, product launches, seminars, and conferences. This resulted in a large number of organizations adopting live-streaming for events, product launches, and many more. Live-streaming increased by 91.8% in the past year, a lot of brands will look into this trend to pass brand message in this new year. Live-streaming won’t just be for corporate events but it fits into the social setting thanks to some social media platforms with the Livestreaming feature. Post-Pandemic, live-streaming will allow brands to build a hybrid audience (online and in-person).

It’s important to know which of these trends suits your business and helps you connect with your target audience successfully. I wish you all a great 2021…



Oluwafemi Anthony

A Creative | Brand Communications & Marketing Strategist